Simplified management of website tags

Google Tag Manager is a powerful tool that simplifies the management of website tags and tracking codes. With this tool, marketers and webmasters can implement and manage different tracking codes and scripts on their website without the need for manual code integration. This results in more flexibility and efficiency when keeping track of different marketing and analysis tools.

where do I find my Google tag?

you can get access Until Google Tag Manager by logging in to your Google account and going to the Google Tag Manager website. Here you can create new tags, edit existing tags and manage your website tracking.

What can you do with Google Tag Manager?

with Google Tag Manager you can implement various tracking codes, pixels and scripts on your website. This includes tags for Google Analytics, Google ADS conversions, Facebook pixels, Hotjar tracking and much more. You can also add adapted HTML, JavaScript and CSS tags to add specific functionalities to your website.

Is Google Tag Manager free?

Yes, Google Tag Manager is free to use. It offers a handy and cost-effective way to manage your website tags and implement marketing and analysis tools without the need for extensive technical knowledge.

What can you do with Google Analytics? Google Analytics is a powerful tool analysis. With Google Tag Manager you can easily implement and manage Google Analytics-Tracking on your website. This gives you insight into visitor behavior, traffic sources, conversions and other important statistics.

Does Google Tag Manager need permission for cookies?

yes, in accordance With the privacy rules, it is important to obtain permission for cookies from users before placing cookies on their devices. Google Tag Manager itself does not collect personal data, but if you use tags that place cookies, you must ensure the correct consent mechanisms.

Do you have trouble using Google Tag Manager for your website? Our Team of Experts can help you to get the most out of this tool and to ensure that you are completely compliant with privacy rules.

how do I add permission for cookies to Google Tag Manager?

to add permission for cookies to Google Tag Manager, Use your specific tools or plugins that offer cookie tanning functionalities. These tools can be integrated with Google Tag Manager to ensure that cookies are only placed after users have given permission.

how do I enable the consent mode in Google Tag Manager?

To call in the consent mode in Google Tag Manager, you must use tools for consent management. These tools can be integrated into Google Tag Manager to ensure that tags are only activated after users have given permission.


Google Tag Manager is an essential tool for marketers and webmasters to manage website tags and tracking codes without extensive technical knowledge. It offers a cost -effective way to implement and manage different tracking tools, and allows users to obtain the necessary permission for cookies according to privacy rules.