Background Information

The project kicked off when Bitocol approached us with their concerns about their slow and unresponsive WordPress site. They needed a fast, reliable, and modern platform that could keep up with the dynamic nature of the crypto trading world.


The main challenge was to design and develop a fully functional and high-performing website within a tight timeframe. Bitocol’s WordPress site was not meeting their needs, and they required a complete overhaul to enhance speed, user experience, and functionality.


We adopted an agile approach with a focus on rapid development and deployment. Our process included a Design Sprint and a Brand Sprint to ensure that the new site was not only functional but also visually aligned with Bitocol’s brand identity.

  1. Design Sprint
    • Rapid Ideation and Prototyping: We initiated the project with a design sprint to quickly brainstorm, prototype, and test design concepts. This ensured we were on the right track from the get-go.
    • User-Centric Design: Focused on creating an intuitive and engaging user interface that would cater to both novice and experienced crypto traders.
  2. Development
    • Webflow Platform: We chose Webflow for its robust features and flexibility. This allowed us to build a high-performance website that could handle the complex needs of a crypto trading platform.
    • Two-Week Turnaround: Starting on a Monday, we worked intensively and launched the fully functional site just two weeks later.
  3. Brand Sprint
    • Brand Alignment: Conducted a brand sprint to ensure that the website's design and messaging were consistent with Bitocol’s vision and branding. This involved refining the logo, color schemes, and overall visual identity.

Realization of the App

After two intense weeks of design and development, the new Bitocol website went live. The new site is fast, reliable, and provides a seamless user experience, significantly improving on the old WordPress platform.

Final Product

The result is a sleek, high-performance website that stands as a robust gateway to the world of crypto trading. Thanks to our agile approach and dedicated sprints, Bitocol now has a website that not only meets but exceeds their expectations, ready to serve their growing user base efficiently.